sewi Jawe li pana e pali tawa jan Jesu. o pana e sona pi ma sewi, o pana e sona pi ken kama lon ma sewi.
jan li ken lukin sona e ona la jan li ken wile tawa lon poka ona.
jan Jesu li toki e ni: o weka e ijo jan, o kama lon poka mi.
lon poka mi taso! ona taso la sina ken kama lon ma sewi.
ona li pana e jan pi kama sona lon ma.
jan pi kama sona li lanpan e kulupu soweli len.
lawa pi kulupu soweli len li ken kama sona e jan ni.
"o jan ala!" li ni:
o jo ala e kulupu mama.
o jo ala e wile jan.
o unpa ala.
o moku ala e telo nasa anu sama
ken la o jo ala e sijelo jan.
ona li kama ante sama ni.
ona li pali anpa mama ona, sewi Jawe.
tan ni li ken kama ante e jan ante
o sona e ni: wan sewi lon insa jan Jesu li kama pali wan.
ona li kama sona e sina: sina wile kama lon ma sewi la mi wile e ale tan sina. pali mi li sama. mi sama jan Jesu. mi lon la ni li open sin pi pali jan Jesu. mi kama sin, jan pi kama sona mi li pali tawa nasin sewi. pali mi li pana e wile wawa lon jan pi kama sona. sewi Jawe li wile e wile wawa ni tan jan pi kama sona. mama mi, jan pona mi tan ma sewi, li kama lon poka mi. ona li jan Si. pali ni li pali suli la ona li kama lon poka mi. sina lukin e mi, sina wile kama lon ma sewi la ni li ken pana e ken moku e nasin sewi. sina ken open e kama ante ni. sina ken kama jan sin, tan nasin sewi. Looking to us, and desiring to be a part of my Father's Kingdom, can offer to those with deposits that chance to connect with the Level Above Human, and begin that transition. Your separation from the world and reliance upon the Kingdom of Heaven through its Representatives can open to you the opportunity to become a new creature, one of the Next Evolutionary Level, rightfully belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven. |
We don't know if you believe in the real existence of
negative or "lower" forces. If you do, then you may be able to
understand or relate to some of what we are about to say. It
seems that how your "programming" permits you to see or identify
those forces, determines the limit of your acceptance or
understanding. Many believe that there are "evil" acts or even
"evil" individuals, but would draw the line before they would
believe in evil spirits, evil discarnates, negative influences,
malevolent space aliens, "Luciferians," or Satan and his fallen
angels. The generally accepted "norms" of today's societies - world over - are designed, established, and maintained by the individuals who were at one time "students" of the Kingdom of Heaven - "angels" in the making - who "flunked out" of the classroom. Legends and scriptures refer to them as fallen angels. The current civilization's records use the name Satan or Lucifer to describe a single fallen angel and also to "nickname" any "evil presence." If you have experienced some of what our "classroom" requires of us, you would know that these "presences" are real and that the Kingdom of God even permits them to "attack" us in order for us to learn their tricks and how to stay above them or conquer them. The space aliens, or Luciferians, use the discarnate spirits (the minds that are disembodied at the death of a body) as their primary servants - against potential members of the Kingdom of God. These "influences," or discarnates, are constantly "programming" every human "plant" (vehicle or body), to accept a set of beliefs and norms for behavior during a lifetime. From our point of view, this "programming" finds that body, and the vast majority of all human bodies, barely usable by students of the Kingdom of Heaven. As the above example can serve to testify, the "lower forces" would - through their "norm" concept - what is "socially acceptable," what is politically correct - have you not believe in spirits, spirit possession, negative space aliens, Satan, etc. They would have you believe that to even dabble in these ideas is of the "occult," satanic, or at the least, giving credence to "fringe" topics. That's where they would also categorize any mental search of Eastern religions, astrology, metaphysics, paranormal, UFOs, etc., etc. In other words, they (these space aliens) don't want themselves "found out," so they condemn any exploration. They want you to be a perfect servant to society (THEIR society -- of THEIR world) -- to the "acceptable establishment," to humanity, and to false religious concepts. Part of that "stay blinded" formula goes like this: "Above all, be married, a good parent, a reasonable church goer, buy a house, pay your mortgage, pay your insurance, have a good line of credit, be socially committed, and graciously accept death with the hope that 'through His shed blood,' or some other equally worthless religious precept, you will go to Heaven after your death." Many segments of society, especially segments of the religious, think that they are not "of the world," but rather that their "conversion" experience finds them "outside of worldliness." The next statement that we will make will be the "Big Tester," the one that the "lower forces" would use to clearly have you discredit or disregard us. That statement is: Unless you are currently an active student or are attempting to become a student of the present Representative from the Kingdom of Heaven - you ARE STILL "of the world," having done no significant separation from worldliness, and you are still serving the opposition to the Kingdom of Heaven. This statement sounds - to humans who have been so carefully programmed by the "lower forces" - arrogant, pompous, or egotistical at the least - as if by taking this stand we had something to gain - as if we were seeking recognition as "Deity" or as self-appointed prophets. That Luciferian programming has truly been effective, for we don't even want to voice to you the statement in question. However, believe it or not, it is only for your sake - the sake of prospective recipients of the Kingdom of Heaven - that we must "tell the truth," openly identify to you as Representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven, well aware of the "fallout" of that position. The hard facts or bold statements in a nutshell, that are so difficult to accept or "digest" - come down to: If you want or ever expect to go to Heaven - here is your window. That window opportunity requires: 1) an incarnate (as human) Representative of the Kingdom of Heaven; 2) that all who hope to enter Heaven become active students of that Representative while the Representative is present; 3) those who endure the "transition classroom" until it ends (adequately bonding or "grafting" to that Representative) will go with that Representative - literally LEAVE the human kingdom and Earth as He is about to do. Staying behind, for any significant period, could jeopardize that "graft." That window to Heaven will not open again until another civilization is planted and has reached sufficient maturity (according to the judgment of the Next Level). We can't blame you for "buying into" the "Luciferian" program. What else has been available during those periods when no Representative was present? Almost nothing - save some warnings in the Scriptures, i.e., Luke 20:34-36, Luke 21:23, Mark 12:25, and Mark 13:17-19. Check these out. Another fact is that what someone is into during the time a Representative is not present really doesn't matter that much, except that they are found unprepared when One comes - the only time when the Kingdom of Heaven can be offered to you. The dilemma is we are here and most humans are thoroughly "hooked" to humanity. However, the same "grace" that was available at the end of the Representative's mission 2000 years ago is available now with our presence. If you quickly choose to take these steps toward separating from the world, and look to us for help, you will see our Father's Kingdom. It is clear to all of us, that to the Anti-Christ -- those propagators of sustained faithfulness to mammalian humanism -- we are, and will be seen as, their Anti-Christ. This is certainly to be expected, and it will not delay our return to our Father's Kingdom. It might even accelerate that return. We will, between now and our departure, do everything we can for those who want to go with us. But we cannot allow them to interfere with or delay our return to Him.
The Present Representative |
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